Sunday, July 24, 2011

Import Excel Data into MySQL in 5 Easy Stepss

To import data from Excel (or any other program that can produce a text file) is very simple using the LOAD DATA command from the MySQL Command prompt.
  1. Save your Excel data as a csv file (In Excel 2007 using Save As)
  2. Check the saved file using a text editor such as Notepad to see what it actually looks like, i.e. what delimiter was used etc.
  3. Start the MySQL Command Prompt (I’m lazy so I usually do this from the MySQL Query Browser – Tools – MySQL Command Line Client to avoid having to enter username and password etc.)
  4. Enter this command:
    LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘C:\\temp\\yourfile.csv’ INTO TABLE database.table FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘;’ ENCLOSED BY ‘”‘ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’ (field1, field2);
    [Edit: Make sure to check your single quotes (') and double quotes (") if you copy and paste this code - it seems WordPress is changing them into some similar but different characters]
  5. Done!
Very quick and simple once you know it 
Some notes from my own import – may not apply to you if you run a different language version, MySQL version, Excel version etc…
  • TERMINATED BY – this is why I included step 2. I thought a csv would default to comma separated but at least in my case semicolon was the deafult
  • ENCLOSED BY – my data was not enclosed by anything so I left this as empty string ”
  • LINES TERMINATED BY – at first I tried with only ‘\n’ but had to add the ‘\r’ to get rid of a carriage return character being imported into the database
  • Also make sure that if you do not import into the primary key field/column that it has auto increment on, otherwhise only the first row will be imported
Link :

Install IIS 7, PHP5 and MySQL 5.1 on Windows Server 2008

Adding Internet Information Server 7 Role

IIS 7 is now a server role in Windows 2008 Server as opposed to previous versions of Windows Server (2000 and 2003) where IIS was installed as a component.
To add the IIS7 server role, launch the Server ManagerStart => Programs => Administrative Tools => Server Manager
Right-click on Role from the left panel and select Add Roles from the contextual menu. From the Add Roles Wizard, check the Web Server (IIS 7) checkbox. Click on Next until the Roles Services screen.
Adding IIS 7 Role On Windows 2008 Server
Here are the options I’ve selected:
  • Web Server 
    • Common HTTP Features: Static Content, Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors and HTTP Redirection.
    • Application Development: All options.
    • Health And Diagnostic: HTTP Logging.
    • Security: Request Filtering.
    • Performance: Static Content Compression.
  • Management Tools: IIS Management Console, IIS Management Scripts And Tools, Management Service
    • IIS 6 Managament Compatibility: IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility.
  • FTP Publishing Service: All options.
Click on Next again and then on Install. When the installation is completed, you can now access your new IIS 7 web server.
IIS 7 On Windows Server 2008
Stay tuned as I’ll post how to install PHP5 and MySQL Server 5.1 on Windows 2008.

Continue here :

Installing FastCGI & PHP5 on Windows Server 2008

Installing FastCGI And PHP on Windows Server 2008

As opposed to previous versions of Windows Server, the FastCGi module is already bundled with Windows Server 2008 so you don’t have to install it.
First of all, let’s make sure that the CGI role service is installed. Click on Start => Programs => Administrative Tools => Server Manager. Expand Roles, right-click on Web Server (IIS) and select Add Role Services. Make sure that CGI is checked and if not proceed with its installation.
Next head over to’ download page and download the PHP Non-thread-safe Win32 binariesAt the time of this writing, the latest version of PHP is 5.2.5. Extract the content from the PHP archive into c:\php.
Launch the Internet Information Server Manager by clicking on Start => Programs => Administrative Tools => Internet Information Server Manager. Select your server from the left panel and then double-click on the Handler Mappings icon.
Click on Add Module Mapping from the right column:
Fill-in the PHP module mapping information as illustrated below and click on OK when done:
At this point PHP should now be working even though there no php.ini configuration file yet. To find out if PHP files are parsed correctly, create a new file at the root of website’s folder and name it phpinfo.php. Insert the following content into the file and save it:
Now try pointing your web browser to If everything works properly you should see this page:

Configuring PHP

By default, IIS will look for PHP’s configuration file (php.ini) in c:\windows. To change this, launch the registry editor (Start => Run => regedit) and add a new key named PHP inHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\. Under the newly created key, create a new value named IniFilePath and set its value data to c:\php.
Close the registry editor when you’re done. Using the Windows Explorer, renamec:\php\php.ini-recommended to c:\php\php.ini and open it with your favorite text editor (no word processor). Find the extension_dir parameter and set its value to “c:\php\ext”. You might also want to uncomment extension=php_mysqli.dll and / orextension=php_mssql.dll if you plan to use MySQL or MS-SQL.
Once you’re done editing PHP’s configuration file, save it and close your file editor. You will need to restart IIS in order to apply the changes. This can be done through the IIS Manager:
I’ll try to perform some benchmark test to see how this setup compares to using php5isapi.dll.

Continue here..

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Top Free Powerful Content Management Systems (CMS)

A web content management system (WCMS or Web CMS) is a content management system (CMS) software, usually implemented as a Web application, for creating and managing HTML content. It is used to manage and control a large, dynamic collection of Web material (HTML documents and their associated images). A CMS facilitates content creation, content control, editing, and many essential Web maintenance functions

WordPress ↓

WordPress is a state-of-the-art publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. WordPress is both free and priceless at the same time. WordPress is also what SpyreStudios and Design Newz run on (as well as my blog design website and my Guerrilla Freelancing blog).

Joomla ↓

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.

Drupal ↓

Drupal is a free software package that allows an individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website. Tens of thousands of people and organizations are using Drupal to power scores of different web sites

SilverStripe ↓

The SilverStripe CMS is a flexible open source Content Management System that gives everyone involved in a web project the tools they need to do their jobs.

Cushy CMS ↓

CushyCMS is a Content Management Systems (CMS) that is truly simple. It’s free for unlimited users, unlimited changes, unlimited pages and unlimited sites.

Frog CMS ↓

Frog CMS simplifies content management by offering an elegant user interface, flexible templating per page, simple user management and permissions, as well as the tools necessary for file management. Born as phpRadiant in January 2007, Frog CMS is a PHP version of Radiant CMS, a well known Ruby on Rails application. Although the two applications still share a family resemblance, Frog is charting its own development path.

MODx ↓

MODx helps you take control of your online content. An Open Source PHP application framework, it frees you to build sites exactly how you want and make them 100% yours. Zero restrictions and fast to build. Super-simple templates in regular HTML/CSS/JS (any lib you want). Registered user systems and a killer community. Welcome to web-building nirvana.

TYPOlight ↓

TYPOlight CMS is a web CMS that Uses Ajax and Web 2.0 technologies, has a live update feature for those of us who have multiple blogs, gives multi-language support and hosts a ton of other great features

dotCMS ↓

The fully functional GPL version of dotCMS continues to forge ahead – providing bleed–edge features and the latest code to a thriving community of developers and users.

Expression Engine ↓

ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich content management system that empowers thousands of individuals, organizations, and companies around the world to easily manage their website. If you’re tired of the limitations of your current CMS then take ExpressionEngine for a spin…

Radiant CMS ↓

Radiant is a no-fluff, open source content management system designed for small teams that was built on Ruby on Rails. It gives an endless list of awesome features and is definitely worth checking out.

concrete5 ↓

A CMS made for Marketing, but strong enough for Geeks! Concrete5 is an open source content management system. It’s revolutionary – and it’s free.

Learn to build your own CMS with PHP ↓

If you’d like to build your own CMS, Jason Lengstorf has an amazing tutorial posted on CSS-Tricks that will show you step by step how to build a simple CMS for your own website using PHP. It’s definitely worth checking out – I followed the tut and use it for a small note keeping page (similar to a to-do list) and learned a lot about php along the way :)


Plone is a powerful, flexible Content Management solution that is easy to install, use and extend. Plone is created for non-technical users to create and maintain information using only a web browser. Perfect for web sites or intranets, Plone offers superior security without sacrificing extensibility or ease of use for non-technical users.


BlogEngine.NET is an open source and free .NET blogging engine that was created to offer a better blog platform. A blog platform with less complexity, easy customization, and one that takes advantage of the latest .NET features. BlogEngine.NET was designed using the current .NET framework and focused on simplicity, ease of extendability, and innovative features. despite it packs a lot of built in features along with extensions available by the community it still lacks attention for the little details that is found in other content management system.


Symphony is XSLT-powered open source content management system. Symphony leverages open standards like XML and XSLT, and good old XHTML and CSS. Even the admin interface employs the widely-used jQuery library, so extension developers don’t have to learn a whole new framework when extending the back end. Symphony is comprised of discrete, fully configurable components. Its data, logic, and templating layers are all independent, meaning that whatever you implement can be modified, added, or removed with minimum effort.


sNews is a completely free, standards compliant, PHP and MySQL driven Content Management System. sNews is extremely lightweight, simple and customizable. It’s easy to install, and use via a simple web interface. sNews consists of only one core engine file, one independent template file and its accompanying CSS stylesheet file, plus an .htaccess file that makes all URLs search engine friendly.

MediaCore is a free open source video cms and podcast platform. MediaCore can pull video or audio from any source, track statistics, enable commenting, and provide a high degree of control over the presentation and administration. The CMS was built for individuals and organizations who wish to distribute video or podcasts on their website without kicking users to other social media sites. MediaCore is built using the TurboGears Python Framework and MooTools Javascript Framework.


TYPO3 is a free Open Source content management system for enterprise purposes on the web and in intranets. It offers full flexibility and extensibility while featuring an accomplished set of ready-made interfaces, functions and modules.